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DL Projects

Python Jupyter Notebook PyTorch

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This repo contains following projects:

Project Description
Pytorch Tutorial I Pytorch autograd functionality tutorial
Pytorch Tutorial II Pytorch tensor manipulation tutorial
Pytorch Tutotial III Pytorch dataset and dataloaders tutorial
Pytorch Tutorial IV Pytorch dataloaders example for CIFAR 10
Pytorch model for regression Pytorch model for tabular data regression
Pytorch model for classification Pytorch model for tabular data regression
Monkey Species Classifier DL based classifer which classifies image among 10 Monkey species
Pothole Detection Classifies if the road in the image has hole or not
Stock Market Price Prediction Stock Price prediction based on historical data and LSTM
English to Hindi Transliteration English to hindi transliteration using LSTM (wihtout attention mechanism)
English to Hindi Transliteration with attention English to hindi transliteration using LSTM and attention mechanism
Spacy Tutorial Text manipulation with spacy
Baby names generation Text generation using LSTM
Text classification using BERT Sentiment classification for comments on google playstore
Image Captioning using Resnet and LSTM Show, attend and tell on flicker 8K dataset
BERT NER Named Entity Recognition using finetuned base BERT model
BERT NER TPU NER with pytorch lightning and TPU
Abstractive Text Summarization News to headline